The Patient ID format establishes the standard structure for assigning ID numbers to all new patients. This format may consist solely of numeric values or may also incorporate the year and location associated with the patient’s registration. The patient ID format can be found in Cloud 9 within 'Edit, Practice Information' on the first tab that says 'Options'.
If your practice prefers patient IDs to consist solely of numerical digits, you can configure the format to 0000 for a four-digit system. This setup will increment the ID automatically each time a new patient is added. To accommodate patient IDs with more digits, simply add additional zeros to the format as needed.
To incorporate year or location information into the patient ID format, your practice should utilize the following abbreviations:
- LL or LLL = Location Code (This can consist of either two or three letters, depending on your location name or code.)
- YY = The two-digit year when the patient is added.
If you prefer the patient ID format to begin with the year followed by the location, it would be structured as YYLL0000. This format can be adjusted to meet your practice's requirements; for example, it could also be arranged as 0000YYLL or YY00000LL.
When adding a patient in 2024 to the location named Wade Green using the format YYLL0000, the resulting patient ID will be 24WG1234. Similarly, if a patient is added in 2025 to the location named Salt Lake City utilizing the format YY0000LLL, the corresponding patient ID will be 240012SLC.
The number increments automatically when each patient is added and will reset to zero if YY is in the format on Jan 1 to start over for the next year.