The Cloud 9 Mobile App is a read only app for both IOS or Android that will allow users to access and view certain parts of Cloud 9 from the app without having to login to a web browser. It is read only so edits cannot be made, but it can show some valuable information on the go.
How to Enable the Cloud 9 Mobile App
As an office administrator you will need to grant permission to your employees in Cloud 9 under Edit > Setup > Employees. On the right hand side, you will select the "Enable Mobile App" permission and click save. This will grant permission to log into the mobile experience. You have full control over which employees are able to log into the mobile app.
How to Download the Mobile App
You can download the mobile app by going to the app store for Android or IOS or by scanning this QR code.
How to login to the Cloud 9 Mobile App
Username: This will be the Cloud 9 Username you use to log into Cloud 9.
Password: This will be your Cloud 9 Password you use to log into Cloud 9.
Practice URL: This will be your practice URL, example, (Do not include the HTML5 part of the web address, that is not needed here.)
Must Select Checkbox agreeing to Terms & Conditions/Privacy Policy before clicking login to gain access.
Using the Cloud 9 Mobile App
Although the Cloud 9 mobile app is read only and no edits can be made at this time, a variety of data is available for viewing. Here are some quick tips for utilizing the Cloud 9 Mobile App most effectively.
- Schedule View is the default screen upon login. You can swipe vertically or horizontally to view various areas. Selecting the location icon in the upper left of schedule view contains Schedule View Location options to switch the schedule view.
- Selecting calendar icon in the upper right of schedule view allows you to move to a schedule view on a different date.
- The Appointment Bubble will show basic information of Patient Name, Appointment Type and Appointment status, and you can also hold and press to select the appointment bubble to show the Appointment Details as a pop up.
- Appointment Details includes: Provider, Assistant, Assistant Time, Appointment Type, Appointment Status, Patient Age, Appointment Note, and View Patient Profile Button.
- Patient Lookup is located below the schedule view. Lookup options include: Patient ID/Name, Birthdate, Phone/E-mail, Social.
- Patient lookup results list include the following: Patient ID, Patient Name, Patient Status, Patient Location and Patient Birthdate.
- Patient Profile View subsections include: Patient Information, Appointments, Relationships, Financial Summary, Images, Patient Comments. When looking at the patient profile view the latest Facial Frontal Smile Image is included if available.
- Patient Information Subsection includes: Patient Demographics, Providers, Contact Info, Status, Next Visits, Patient Recall.
- Appointments Subsection includes: List of all Patient Appointments with ability to filter by appointment status. Appointment Information includes the appointment type, date time, location name, and appointment status.
- Relationships Subsection includes any person listed as a relationship or referral/professional. It will show their basic information such as Relationship type, Contact Information, (select the email envelope or text button icon to view on this section), Is/Is not Family, Is/Is not Financially Responsible, Is/Is Not Authorized to Access TX Record.
- Financial Summary Subsection includes balance information of: Over 90 days, Over 60 Days, Over 30 Days, Current, Due Now, Future Due and Total Due.
- Images subsection displays patient image series with the most recent image series listed at the top. You can select a series to expand and view these images. You can also select an individual image within the series to view it in larger format or swipe left or right within the series to move through those images. You may also select Full Screen icon in bottom right corner to see the image in Full Screen Mode. (Pinch zoom functionality available on all images in Full Screen mode.)
- Patient Comments subsection includes most recent patient comment listed at top in expanded mode. Patient Comment information includes: creation date, modified date, modified by, checkmark/X mark to indicate where comment is displayed in patient chart, comment, (may require scrolling to view based on device screen size.) You can also select the patient comment header to minimize the content.