Cloud 9 Connect Reminders send automatically once they are set up in Appointment Campaigns. For a detailed overview of how this works please see this article: C9 Connect Appointment Campaigns. To view in depth details of these Reminders you would go to the C9 Connect Reminders Dashboard. To access this in Cloud 9 click View > Reminders Dashboard.
On the left hand side you will see a menu/filters to search with.
Available Filters:
Schedule Views
Can Select All or Select Specific Locations to filter by.
Confirmation Status (Appointment Reminder)
Available options to filter by: All, Confirmed, No Response, Reminder with Error.
Appointment Types
Can Select All or Specific Appointment Types to filter by.
Appointment From/To Date Ranges
Select your search date range. Today’s date appears as default.
Search By
Additional Optional Filter to use:
Available options: Patient ID, Patient Name, Contact Information.
Note: Name format must follow standard Last Name, First Name format.
Once you set the the needed filters and click search, the right hand side then displays a series of columns with detailed appointment reminder information.
Reminders Dashboard Columns include:
+ to expand the patient's reminders to see all details
Confirmation Status: This will be green with a check mark if it is confirmed, gray if it is not confirmed, will have an exclamation point if it sent but had an error. You can hover over this icon to show Confirmation Status.
Patient Name: You may select/click the patient’s name to access the patient menu, which will allow you to navigate to another area of the software for that particular patient.
Appointment Date.
Appointment Time.
Schedule View.
Appointment Type.
Appointment Status.
(Screen shot below shows all columns in Reminders Dashboard.)
Reviewing Specific Appointment Reminders:
Quickly review the status of an Appointment Reminder from the Status column
Status options include: Confirmed, No Response, Errors.
Hover your mouse over the icon to display tooltip with more details. Reminders with an error will display with an Exclamation Mark next to them in Confirmation Status.
- Select the Plus Sign + to expand the Appointment Reminder you’d like to review.
- Message contains the following information: Contact Information used, Status, Time, Message.
A reminder that failed will have a red icon next to it when you expand the patient's reminders with the + option. Hovering over it with your mouse will display a tooltip explanation of the error.
Reminders Dashboard is the first place to go to check if a reminder has sent and has several different filtering tools to help you find the data you are looking for. All text reminders are now also shown in the Two Way Messaging conversation as well. Click here: C9 Connect Two Way Messaging for more details about this feature.
As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Cloud 9 Support by emailing us at, or chatting us online using the chat bubble on the lower right at, or giving us a call during our business hours of 8:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST at the 1.800.394.6050 option 2.