For security reasons, Cloud 9 Support is unable to reset passwords unless a written authorization is provided. Below are the steps to be taken by an employee with the "Edit Employee" permission:
Go to Edit-Setup-Employees
Check the box next to the employee’s name you want to change, then select Edit
Type in a temporary password for the employee then select Save
When employee logs in, they will get a screen that prompts them to change their password from the temporary one. They will enter the temporary password you set for them in the top box.
They can click on the “Show Password Requirements” box to see what restrictions and requirements are set on creating new passwords. Enter new password in the "New Password' field and the "Confirm Password' field, then click reset.
If there is no employee available to perform the password reset, the following procedure may be done as an alternative:
1) On your office letterhead,
2) A letter signed by the doctor or practice manager
3) Requesting which specific logins/passwords be reset,
4) Emailed as an attachment to