Because some practices have many more chairs that can comfortably be displayed in
one column there is now an option that allows chairs to be displayed in as many
columns as needed. You can specify to show one chair in a single column, or several
chairs in one column, the choice is yours.
Light Bar Columns
Edit > Setup > Schedule View
Light Bar Columns – This field determines the total number of columns that will be
displayed in a schedule.
Columns/Chairs, Light Bar Columns – This field determines what column the chair
will be displayed.
Assigning a Chair to a Specific Column
From the Edit dropdown, click Setup.
Click Schedule View.
In the Light Bar Columns field, enter the number of columns desired.
In the Columns/Chairs area, select the first chair, click Edit button.
In the Light Bar Column field, enter the column number you want the chair to be
displayed in.
Click OK button, and continue putting the chairs in the desired columns.
- In the above example, Chair 4 in column 2 is above Chair 5 in column 2. The
Order of the chairs controls this feature and can be changed when editing
occurs. The lowest order number is displayed at the top of the column.