Sometimes, you will need to move money from Due Now into Future Due or vice versa. This could be because you have a positive amount in Future Due and a credit in Due now, with a $0 Total Due and you want to even those out. It could also be that some money has already cycled into Due Now, but you want to give the patient more time to pay that amount.
This article will guide you through using the adjustment screen to move money from Due Now to Future Due or Future Due to Due Now. This task can seem intimidating, but after reading this article, you should be comfortable with the procedure and ready to move those balances.
Before you begin, you will want to be comfortable with accounting in Cloud 9 and making adjustments. More information about different adjustment types in Cloud 9 can be found at this link. Let's start with a scenario of a positive balance in Future Due with a credit in Due now that you want to balance.
Proceed to the relevant tab of the ledger and click the 'Adjustment' button in the upper right. Then, select 'Balance Adjustment' as your type. Enter a positive number in the Due Now Adjustment and a negative number in the Contract Adjustment to eliminate the credit in Due Now. The Before Adjustment Window shows what the ledger currently looks like. This ledger has a credit of ($1000.00) in the due now, and a future due of $5,600.00, with the total due of $4,600.00. This adjustment applies the credit to the contract or Future Due balance, returning Due Now to a zero balance. The After Adjustment Window should reflect the Future Due matching the Total Due, like this:
In a scenario where you want to move money out of Due Now or re-age the amount to return it to the contract or future due, the process is quite similar. You will post a balance adjustment with a negative amount in Due Now Adjustment to bring the Due Now back to zero, and the same positive amount in Contract Adjustment to add the balance back into the Future Due/Contract. For example, as shown in the Before Adjustment Window, the ledger currently has a balance of $1,000.00 in Due Now and $3,600.00 in Future Due, with $500.00 of Due Now needing to be moved back into the contract. The adjustment would appear as follows:
As you can see, this moves $500 from Due Now back into Future Due so that it can be paid later.
Here's one last tip! If you attempt to move money with an adjustment and the Contract Adjustment box is greyed out, make sure to click the magnifying glass icon next to the Contract field at the top and select the most recent or correct contract. This will enable the Contract Adjustment field and allow you to enter an amount in that field.