To-Do's can be thought of as virtual sticky notes in Cloud 9, or reminders for employees to complete tasks. This can be for a follow up call, care call, recall, sending a letter, or any other reminder that you would want to set for an employee to complete later in Cloud 9.
Manually Creating a To-Do
To access To-Do's menu in Cloud 9, simply click 'View' then click 'To-Do'.
To add something new to the To-Do list, click on the blue plus sign. Then the 'To-Do' window will come up and you can select the employee from the drop down that you want it assigned to. You can pick yourself or another employee when manually creating a To-Do. Next, you must pick the type of 'To-Do'. (To-Do types can be set up by clicking Edit, Setup, To-Do Types and adding the categories there. Common categories include: Care calls, Reminder, Follow up Call, Recalls but can also be customizable to your practice.)
After you choose the 'type' of To-Do, you will fill out the text field with a notation of the task that needs completion. In this example, I have picked Make Post Banding Care Call. The next step is to pick the date that this needs to be completed by, I will pick 12/02/2024. This is the last required field for a To do, but there are other optional fields you can fill out. Underneath the date, you can choose if you wish for this To-Do to display a certain number of days before and after the due date. Since this is a Care call, I will leave it blank, as I just want it to display on the date. The next field is the patient, so we can pick the patient this To-Do is needed for by clicking the magnifying glass for the patient search, and then searching for and selecting the correct patient.
If there was a letter and recipient for this To-Do, you can also pick the specific letter and the recipient. The bottom two fields are for date of completion, and a check mark indicating the To-Do has been completed. We will leave those blank and the To-Do that is added to the list looks like this once you click save.
Navigating the To-Do List
Once you click save on the To-Do, it will populate in your To-Do list that you can find by clicking 'View' then 'To-Do' in Cloud 9. When you are on this list, there are several buttons to help you easily navigate. The first set are in the upper right of the To-Do list. Similar to other areas in Cloud 9, the blue plus is used to manually add a new To-Do. The Red X would be to delete a To-Do once you have selected it with the check mark to the left of the list. The clipboard button will let you edit a selected To-Do from your list. The Check Mark lets you mark a selected To-Do as complete. The envelope button will let you queue a letter or merge a letter if the selected To-Do has a letter that needs to be sent and the recipient marked in it. The last button on the right will let you refresh the To-Do list, to see any changes. (The fill button that looks like a gear is an unused button for this screen.)
The next part of navigating the To-Do list is the bar on top. You can filter to show To-Do Items by: All Items, My Current and Past due Items, Assigned Current and Past Due Items, or Spotlight Items. The second drop down allows you to filter the To-Do's by type. (To-Do Types are setup in Edit, Setup, To-Do Types if you wish to add different types of To-Do's.) The patient search function will allow you to search for To-Do's that are specific to the patient you look up. Lastly, you can set the date range on To-Do's to show in your list. If you pick any of these options on top, to get the list to refresh, simply click the refresh button in the upper right. You can also use the check box to view complete items in this menu as well.
Creating Patient Specific To-Do's
To create a patient-specific To-Do, access the patient's profile and navigate to the drop-down menu. From there, you have the option to select either 'Create To-Do' or 'View To-Do List.' When viewing the To-Do list from a patient's profile, it will exclusively display items related to that particular patient, rather than the entire list.
Reassigning To-Do's
Occasionally you will need to re-assign an existing To-Do to a different employee. This can be done by the original To-Do owner in their To-Do list.
Select the To-Do that needs to be reassigned. Next, you will select the edit button to edit the To-Do. In the drop down for Employee, pick the new employee the To-Do should be assigned to, and then save it. Once you have completed this, the other employee will see the To-Do, but it will still show in the original owner's To-Do list, as this is where it was created. The To-Do will function for both employees, but the newly assigned employee will need to mark it as completed once it is done which will remove it from both employees To-Do list.
Automated To-Do's
Cloud 9 Software offers the capability to create automated To-Do's in various sections of the application. For additional information on this feature, please refer to the article: Automated To-Do's.
To Do's By Date Range
There is a report to track To Do's in a specified date range that is called To Do's by Date Range Report. This article can be accessed here.
As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Cloud 9 Support by emailing us at, or chatting us online using the chat bubble on the lower right at, or giving us a call during our business hours of 8:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST at the 1.800.394.6050 option 2.