It is a good idea to be familiar with To Do's before learning about this report, we recommend reading this article: Utilizing To Do's for Employee Reminders first.
To-Do items in Cloud 9 act as virtual sticky notes, reminding employees of tasks like follow-up calls, care calls, recalls, and letter sending. You can assign any reminders for future completion. To monitor your team's progress, it's helpful to generate the report: To Do's by Date Range, ensuring they stay on track with their tasks and reminders.
To access this report in Cloud 9 Software, go to the Reports section and enter "To" in the search bar to see the To Do options. Select the "To Do's by Date Range" report. On the right, use the filters to set parameters. The "Employee" field will display all To Do's for all employees if left blank. For a specific employee, select an individual from the filter, such as myself, Karen Lewis. You can view To Do's for all employees or just one.
The next field pertains to the date range for which you would like to view the To Do items. You will need to select a start date and an end date, which will display all To Do items for the specified employee or employees within that timeframe. The final option at the bottom is labeled 'Hide Completed.' You may choose this option if you wish to see only the outstanding To Do items that have not been marked as completed by the employee(s). Alternatively, you may leave this box unchecked.
Next you will click preview and you will see a page that looks similar to this with quite a bit of visual data on the report, (screenshot below.)
This report provides essential information about To Do items, including: Due Date (if applicable), Description (detailing the task or reminders), the type of To Do, and a completion status column. It also features a last entry column showing the most recent action taken with its date, a period column indicating if the To Do is a one-time task, and a created by column detailing if the item originated from an employee, Cloud 9, or the patient portal, along with the patient's name and contact information. Finally, the report includes a recipient column with their contact information, which may be left blank if not applicable (e.g., no recipient for letters not being sent).
This report is a valuable resource for monitoring employee engagement with To Dos, ensuring that they are marked as complete and completed on time. It serves as an excellent tool for tracking To Dos. Please note that anyone wishing to access this report must have the permission titled RPT: ToDos by Date Range enabled in their Edit > Setup > Employees information. Therefore, please ensure that the necessary permissions are selected in the employee profile for those who need to run the report.
As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Cloud 9 Support by emailing us at, or chatting us online using the chat bubble on the lower right at, or giving us a call during our business hours of 8:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST at the 1.800.394.6050 option 2.