The Summary of Activity Report offers various financial totals, including Gross and Net Production, as well as Gross and Net Collections, for a specified date range. Upon accessing the report, you will first choose your desired date range and then select the location(s) you wish to include. You may choose one, multiple, or all locations.
After making your selections, click the preview button to view the report.
The report will be organized by location and will display the following fields as described below:
- Gross Production: This is the gross total of all charges that affect production and can be verified with the Production by Date Range Report.
- Production Adjustments: All adjustments that affect production, and can be verified with the Adjustments by Date Range report. If there are any charges that are not set to affect production, they will need to be subtracted from the Adjustments by Date Range report total. (*Adjustments can be set to affect production in Edit > Setup >Transaction Types. You would then click Edit on the adjustment type, and select the box that says 'Affects Production', and then click save.)
- Net Production: Gross Collections minus Production Adjustments.
- Gross Collections: This is the Gross Total for all collections. This can be verified with the Receipts by Date Range report.
- Collection Adjustments: All adjustments that affect collection. Can be verified with the Net Receipts by Date Range Report. Add the Adjustments and Corrections sections together for the total. Refunds are reflected in the Collections Adjustments totals.
- Net Collections: Gross Collections minus Collections Adjustments; refunds are reflected in the Net Collection totals.
- Inc/Dec AR: Change in the Total Due of Accounts Receivable from the start date to the end date of the report. Can be verified by running the Accounts Receivable for Total Due of Insurance and Responsible Parties balance on the start date and end date of the report and finding the difference between those two numbers.
- Total Contracts Amount: Total value of all contracts that had been started during the date range of the report. Can be verified with the Contract Starts by Start Date Net Fee.
- Accounts Receivable breakdown: Accounts Receivable totals are broken down for Patient, Insurance, and Total figures as of the End Date of the report. These totals match the Practice Summary report and the A/R report for all non-zero accounts.
- Appt Type Counts: Any Appointment Types that are marked "show on Summary of Activity" in Edit > Setup > Transaction Types will give a daily, monthly, and yearly total. This will require changes to Appointment Type Setup. For example, "Today" will always be the current date no matter what date range is used. "This Month" will always be the current month. "This Year" will always be the current year.
Here is an example of the first page of the report, where I have selected All under Locations and a date range from 01/01/2023-04/01/2023:
The last page of the report will show the Location Totals:
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