PlanetDDS Pay allows you the ability to save patient's cards for future use. Credit Cards, Debit Cards, FSA/HSA, and Bank Accounts can be saved as a payment methods on the Financial Responsible Party’s profile. This can be saved before a contract is created or at any point in time during treatment. Saved payment methods can be selected in the Contract Auto Pay screen.
Process description:
You'll navigate to the patient's profile and edit the patient setup to save a payment method.
Step-by-step instructions:
- Edit Patient > Edit
- Add Payment Method
- Select Merchant & Account
- Enter Credit Card Information & Save
How to Save a Payment Method For Auto Payments
- Select Autopay from the Contract screen.
- Select an existing Primary Payment Method in drop down or Add Payment Method
- If selecting previously saved Credit Card
- If selecting to add new Credit Card
- If selecting previously saved Credit Card