Receipts by date range is a gross report that lists all payments within a date range. This report lists all payments posted by location then sorted by payment type. To access this report in Cloud 9, follow the below steps.
Step 1: Click Reports at the top of Cloud 9, then select 'Reports' in the drop down.
Step 2: You can click the plus on Financial under the Reports section to scroll down to Receipts by Date Range, or you can use the Search bar at the top and type in Receipts, and this will pull up any reports with 'Receipts' in the name. (Screenshot below.) Select the Receipts by Date Range Report.
You can either scroll down to Receipts by Date Range,
Step 3: Next you need to pick the filters to ensure you are running an accurate report. First you will enter the date range:
Step 4: Next select the locations you would like displayed on the report.
Step 5: You will then select the providers you wish to include in the report.
Step 6: This filter is optional. You may skip it by selecting none or you can select to break by location or provider. If you choose location it will split all payments or receipts by location. If you select provider, it will split all receipts or payments by provider.
Step 7: The last step is to click preview, and it will load the pages of the report.
This is a gross report that will, once run, be separated by Payment Type and location or provider if you selected those options:
You can use this report to verify the receipt totals on the Practice Summary by Date Range Report for the Payment totals, but it is critical that you enter in the exact same date range for each report.
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