Insurance companies will often send bulk insurance checks or credit card payments, paying the practice a lump sum for multiple patients. You have the power to post bulk insurance payments within Cloud 9 of the same type for the same insurance company from one screen. This eliminates the need to go into each patient ledger individually and post the payments from a bulk insurance payment. This is a powerful feature that can shave quite a bit of time off of accounting activities.
In this article, we will cover the following:
- Posting a Bulk Insurance Check
- Posting a Bulk Insurance Credit Card Payment
Before you begin, you will want to be familiar with the accounting features in Cloud 9 and posting payments. (Screenshot below shows post bulk insurance payment screen, followed by a table of terms explaining the fields on the bulk post insurance payment screen.)
Field | Description |
Insurance Company | Select the name of the insurance company provider. |
Posting Location | Select the location you want to post the payment under. Used for reporting purposes and closing the day. |
Provider | Select the patient’s provider. |
Payment Type | Select the payment type: bulk insurance check or bulk insurance credit card |
Adjustment Type | This is a required field, but does not apply to payments. You can select any adjustment type. |
Amount | Enter the dollar amount of the payment. This amount MUST equal the payment total field. These fields remain red until they equal, turning green. |
Reference # | This is an optional field. You can enter check number or approval code if you like |
Note | Enter any information you want to add as a ledger note. |
Receipt # | Used rarely unless your office writes up paper receipts from a receipt book. |
Receipt Note | Include any note you would like to add to the printed receipt. |
Authorize Credit/Debit Card |
Checkboxes | Check the subscribers for whom the check should be applied to. |
To Apply Column | Enter in the amount for each patient. |
Remove Button | Used to select a patient and remove from the list. |
Payment Total | Used to total the payment amounts applied. Once the amount and payment total fields equal, the fields turn green. These fields remain red until they equal, turning green. |
Posting a Bulk Insurance Check
- From Financial menu, select Insurance Payment. The Insurance Company Billing Center dialog box displays.
- Search for the desired billing center and click Select.
The 'Post Insurance Payment' window displays. The Insurance Company and Posting Location fields are completed.
3. Click the Search button and the 'Choose Policies to Add' dialog box displays.
Note: If you click on Exclude Zero Dollar Balances, policies with the Total Due of $0.00 are not displayed.
4. Select the desired policies and click Select. The selected policies display on the window.
- In the Payment Type field, select Ins Bulk Ck.
- In the Amount field, enter the amount of the Insurance Bulk Check.
- In the To Apply column, enter the appropriate amounts for each policy that should receive a portion of the bulk insurance check.
- In the Adjustment Type box, you must pick an adjustment type. In this scenario, you are only posting payment, but it is a required field, so just go ahead and pick any adjustment type.
Note: When all of the money is applied and equals the check amount, the Payment Total field turns green. If the applied amount goes over the check amount, the fields turn red.
Finally, click Save Payment. The Post Insurance Payment window closes, and the applied amounts
are displayed on the patient’s ledger under the insurance ledger and all ledger tabs.
Posting a Bulk Insurance Credit Card Payment
- From Financial menu, select Insurance Payment. The Insurance Company Billing Center dialog box displays.
- Search for the desired billing center and click Select.
The 'Post Insurance Payment' window displays. The Insurance Company and Posting Location fields are completed.
3. Click the Search button and the 'Choose Policies to Add' dialog box displays.
Note: If you click on Exclude Zero Dollar Balances, policies with the Total Due of $0.00 are not displayed.
4. Select the desired policies and click Select. The selected policies display on the window.
5. In the Payment Type field, select Insurance Bulk Credit Card. Cloud 9 automatically checks the Authorize Credit/Debit Card.
- In the Amount field, enter the amount of the payment.
- In the Card Type field, enter the credit card type.
- In the Reference field, you can enter the credit card number and in the Note field, enter the expiration date if you like
- In the To Apply column, enter the appropriate amounts for each policy that should receive a portion of the bulk insurance credit card payment.
- In the Adjustment Type box, you must pick an adjustment type. In this scenario, you are only posting payment, but it is a required field, so just go ahead and pick any adjustment type.
Note: When all of the money is applied and equals the credit card amount, Payment Total field turns green. If the applied amount goes over the check amount, the fields turn red.
Finally, click Save Payment. The Payment Information dialog box displays.
Now you will enter the credit card information and click Make Payment. The Post Insurance Payment window closes, and the applied amounts are displayed on the patient’s ledger under the insurance ledger and all ledger tabs.
As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Cloud 9 Support by emailing us at, or chatting us online using the chat bubble on the lower right at, or giving us a call during our business hours of 8:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST at the 1.800.394.6050 option 2.