Are you having an issue where you used to be able to type in the boxes on the treatment card when adding a new entry, but are unable to now? Don't worry, that's an easy fix.
This article will walk you through how to quickly and easily take care of this issue. It has to do with an on screen keyboard option, but we'll get to that in just a minute.
Before you being, you'll want to be familiar with adding a new entry on a treatment card.
To take care of this issue, you will want to log into Cloud 9 under the user that is having the issue. Then you will open a treatment card under any patient. Next, you will click on the icon, as if you were going to add a new treatment card entry. Once there, click in the box that says "On-Screen Keyboard" to check that box. This "On-Screen Keyboard" option is required to be able to type into the boxes on the new treatment card entry.
That box will sometimes get unchecked by accident, not allowing you to type freely anymore. Once you check that box, you can click 'Cancel' and that will cancel the new treatment card entry, but save that "On-Screen Keyboard' setting and you will now be able to type in the boxes again. You're all set!
As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Cloud 9 Support by emailing us at, or chatting us online using the chat bubble on the lower right at, or giving us a call during our business hours of 8:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST at the 1.800.394.6050 option 2.