Introduction: I recently launched Cloud 9 and would like to inquire about some of the more common questions or issues I might encounter. This FAQ guide is designed to assist new Cloud 9 customers by addressing frequently asked questions and potential concerns.
Question: Where should I go to submit inquiries regarding Cloud 9 software, report any issues, or request support assistance?
Answer: The Cloud 9 Customer Support team is available Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM EST to assist with software-related inquiries. You may submit a request to Support or chat with a live agent during our standard hours of operation via our Help Portal at: Additionally, you can reach us by phone during business hours at 1-800-394-6050, Option 2.
For additional information on Customer Support including ticket severity definitions, see the following article:
How do I contact Cloud 9 Support?
Question: Where can I access product documentation and Cloud 9 release notes which may include information on new features or product enhancements?
Answer: Release Notes can be accessed from Cloud 9 by Clicking "Help" > "Release Notes." Product Documentation can be accessed by Clicking "Help" > "Documentation" within Cloud 9. There is also a Knowledge Base that can be accessed at with various guides and Product Documentation.
Question: Where can I access training materials and modules to teach new employees or employees who were unable to attend Cloud 9 Training?
Answer: is the link to Cloud 9 Academy and contains learning modules to help introduce employees to Cloud 9, supplement training material, or help train new employees. The HTML Reference guide is another good text manual that can be useful for employees and can be accessed in Cloud 9 by clicking "Help" > "Documentation" > "HTML5 Reference Guide".
Question: My schedule is all shrunk and will not show me the names of patients. The columns are too skinny or too wide or too short. This just happened this morning and everyone else's schedule looks normal. How can I fix this?
Answer: The Schedule View is login specific, and sometimes a random click and pull of the mouse can cause the formatting to change for just one user. Please review this article here to see how you can fix a schedule that doesn't look as it normally should for column or row width, depth, or height.
Question: I've noticed that a balance is incorrect and I need to make an adjustment to resolve the issue. What are the different types of adjustments and what type of adjustment do I need to make?
Answer: Please see the following article which goes into additional detail about the different adjustment types and scenarios that each one applies to. What are the different types of adjustments and when should I use each of those?
Question: How can I transfer balance or payment from one patient to another or one ledger tab to another?
Answer: You would do this by using a balance adjustment adjustment type. Please navigate to this article here to learn how to do this with examples.
Question: I am trying to post a payment or charge to the ledger, but the ledger does not look right, how can I fix this?
Answer: When looking a ledger, it is important to remember the Due Now plus the Future Due should always equal the Total Due. (The below example is in balance because due now of $1,500.02 plus the Future Due of $999.98 Equals the Total Due of $2,500.00.)
If you are looking at a ledger and you find the Due Now plus Future Due does NOT equal the Total Due, that means the ledger is out of balance. You will want to contact Support so we can assist in setting the ledger correct. (In the below example the Due Now of $5,156.00 plus the Future Due of $100.00 should show a total due of $5,265.00. Instead, it shows a Total Due of $5656.00 so the ledger is out of balance and you would need Support's assistance to correct the ledger.)
Question: My patient has stopped treatment unexpectedly. How can I write off the contract and reflect the refund I sent to the Responsible Party?
Answer: You would use a balance adjustment type called Write Off to write off the contract after moving any balance from the Future Due to Due Now. This article here describes how to move balance. This article here describes how to write off a contract with examples. Please contact Support if you have any further questions on this.
Question: What are some best practices for Closing the Day and/or Closing the Month?
Answer: We recommend that you close the day on any day that you have a financial transaction. This includes payments, adjustments, charges, and contracts. You can find an article here about How to Close the Day.
After you've run the last Daily Close on the last day of the month, we recommend running the Close the Month. This way, all of your Daily Close Reports get put into one file for the Monthly Close that you can easily Review. You can find an article here about How to Close the Month.
Question: I need to setup a new Transaction Type need to understand each of the different fields and setup options. Where can I find a definition of how each field impacts my new Transaction Type?
Answer: Please see the following article that includes definitions on all of the different setup options when configuring a new Transaction Type: What are the different options when setting up a new transaction type and when should I enable each of the fields?
Question: I am trying to setup an auto-pay on an HSA (or FSA) credit card account. The auto-pay will not go through and I am receiving a general decline error. When I process the card manually as a one-time payment it works successfully.
Answer: Some HSA/FSA institutions do not allow for auto-pay by default. Please have the patient reach out to the card provider to request auto-pay be enabled for their HSA/FSA account. If the card provider does not allow auto-pay, you will need to run the card manually in order to process the payment successfully.
Question: Are there any best practices when running an Aging Report?
Answer: To run an aging report, navigate to "Reports" > "Accounts Receivable Aging by INS and RP" in Cloud 9. (If you do not have the permission enabled, someone at the practice who can access "Edit" > "Setup" > "Employees" will need to add the permission called: "RPT Accounts Receivable Aging by Ins and RP" for your Employee account, and then you would want to refresh Cloud 9 and log back in.) When running the report, you can pick to separate it by bracket, (due now, total due, 30 days past due etc.), but be aware it is cumulative. If you are viewing all aging for accounts that are 60 days past due, it will also show 30 Days past due, and any current Due. Total Due will look at any of the Due Now or Past Due buckets and also take Future Due, (contracts) into account. You can also choose to only look at aging for Insurance or Responsible parties, and you can select a minimum amount to look for, like 50.00. The system defaults it to -999999, but that number can be changed. Note: Be sure to always mark the box named "Use Current Provider/Location" at the bottom the report filters. This will ensure accurate totals on your aging report.
Question: I am looking at the Patient Flow report and noticed that no assistants are showing. Why do I not see any assistants on this report?
Answer: The most common cause of this is that an Assistant was not scheduled with the appointment. When scheduling a patient, be sure to fill out the 'Assistant/Emp' field on the Appointment Details form if you would like to report on this information at a later date.
Question: I am looking for some information on best practices, including troubleshooting for Reminders. Where can I find this information?
Answer: The articles below contain a great deal of information about reminders. Be sure to check out our training video as well - Scheduling - Appointment Reminders
Cloud 9 Connect
C9 Connect Appointment Campaigns
C9 Connect Reminders Dashboard
C9 Connect Recurring Campaigns Overview
C9 Agent
Question: Our office purchased a new workstation that will be used for x-rays or scanned documents. We need to setup C9 agent on the new workstation. Where can I find instructions on installing and configuring C9 agent?
Answer: The following article will walk you through downloading and installing C9 agent - How to install C9 agent
Question: I am trying to acquire an x-ray, image, or pan in Cloud 9 but one of my C9 agents is not appearing in the 'acquire' dropdown.
Answer: There are several reasons that a C9 agent could be missing from the acquire dropdown. Please see the following troubleshooting guide that will walk you through this issue step by step! C9 Agent Troubleshooting Guide