Recipient lists are an important part of an email campaign, as this Recipients tab is how you can set up the groups that your email campaigns are sent to. When you click Edit > Automation Suite > Recurring Campaigns in Cloud 9, the Recipients tab will be the middle tab on that page. The Recipients tab is broken into two sections. The upper section shows an updated total of all potential recipients, how many of those recipients are subscribed, and how many of those recipients have unsubscribed based on the created Recipient Lists in the tab.
The bottom half of the screen will show all of the recipient lists available/created. This list will display the name, an estimated count of recipients, the last time it was modified, and if it is a Default or Custom list. Default Recipient lists cannot be modified/edited, but the custom ones can. There is also a search bar to search for a specific Recipient list, or a filter list where you can filter the Recipient list by type.
To create a new Recipient list, you will click the button on the right under the top section that says Create Recipient. When you click on the Create Recipient list to start a new one, it brings up a page that looks similar to the data miner in Cloud 9. This is how you will set rules and conditions to pull the lists of patients you are looking for for the recurring campaign. The name of the Recipient list goes in the name section, and then you can move down to the conditions list. I will review this more in depth with examples below. (Note: While you can set conditions based on the patient data, the Recipient list is driven by the Responsible Party information and all recurring campaigns will pull Responsible party information and that is where recurring text and email campaigns will send to.)
For this test site, I want it to pull recipients at the Canton Location who are patients of provider Felipe Alvarez. For the first part of this, we will name the recipient list what I want it to be called in the main section, then we would set the conditions. The first condition is that the patient's assigned location is equal to Canton. This means the first piece of data the recipient list is looking for is a patient assigned to the Canton Location, (screenshot below).
Next, I have to set the second condition. Similar to the data miner, I have the option to set an 'OR' or an 'AND' condition. An 'or' would be, if you were looking for all active comprehensive patients 'OR' all limited comprehensive patients. For this instance, I want to choose the 'AND', as I will be looking at patients who are at the Canton location 'AND' patients of Felipe Alvarez. To do this, I will click add rule, and then add in the second condition and make sure the 'AND' is selected.
Then I will click save and it will show the recipient list among the others in the Recipient Tab. Looking at this page you can see some other information when you look at one recipient list at a time. For example, if I look at the All Active Patients Recipients list on this page, there are several columns with different information listed I will now review.
Visible in the columns is the name of the recipient list, as well as the number of recipients currently set up on the list. Since patient information changes sometimes, (e.g., new patients added, locations changed new status selected), sometimes you will want to refresh the Recipient list to see if it changes/updates. Clicking the orange refresh button will cause it to search for new recipients who meet the conditions set on the recipient list. Next in the row is the type of list custom or default, and then there is also a button with three dots under the 'actions' column. If you click this button you have the option to edit, delete, or export the recipient list to CSV, (Excel).
(Please note, if a recipient list is deleted accidentally, you can use the filter tool we mentioned earlier to look at the deleted recipients list and there is a way to restore that also shown in the screenshot below.)
There are times when I am looking for multiple conditions when building a recipient list. Sometimes, the correct step will be to look for the individual rules first and then add a group or groups to use an 'OR' if there are multiple conditions that could be met. For example, this Recipient list is set to look for patients at the location of Canton 'AND' to look for patients who have a status of Active Aligners 'OR' Active Phase 1 'OR' Active Phase II. First, I will add a new rule stating patient location is Canton. Then I will click add Group to add patient status is Active Aligners as I want patients with the Canton location, and one of three statuses. Then I will click add rule again and change the 'AND' to an 'OR' patient status equals active Phase I. Then I will click add rule again to add another 'OR' condition of patient status equals Active Phase II. So my example will look like this.
Then I will click save and the Recipient list will show in the list of them on the Recipients Tab. Once the Text or Email Template has been created/modified and the Recipient List has been created, it is time to move to the Campaigns tab to Create the Recurring Email or Text Campaign.
As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Cloud 9 Support by emailing us at, or chatting us online using the chat bubble on the lower right at, or giving us a call during our business hours of 8:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST at the 1.800.394.6050 option 2.